Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Food for Thought

My day-to-day life is not ordinary, to say the least.  There are many days I wish I was able to go to work, hit up a happy hour with friends occasionally, and spend the evenings relaxing before settling into bed for the night.  I ache for that sense of routine and comfort.  Having a second income in my household would be extremely helpful, as well.  I think what I miss the most is conversing with fellow employees, and hearing all the stories of their lives.  I am extremely grateful for the wonderful friends I have at the cancer center, but we all live a pretty conservative lifestyle.  We don't have many other options. 

As you can imagine, I have a lot of time on my hands to stew over the many thoughts that enter my mind.  As a self proclaimed "writer", I enjoy writing, telling stories, playing word games, etc, to keep me busy.  More often than not, I get completely enamored in my own thoughts.  I slip into my own little world(often leaving me looking stoned with a strange look on my face).  I consider myself lucky to be able to entertain myself so easily...ha!  As a matter of fact, many people have asked me how I can remain happy and keep a smile on my face while enduring such difficult times.

Allow me to let you in on my secret to my senseless moments of bliss.  The truth is, I'm just kinda crazy.  I don't know how to turn off all of my wild thoughts scrambling around in my head, but at times I can manipulate the "hamster" running my brain into spinning his wheel in a certain direction. ;)  Instead of becoming consumed with the pain, discomfort and suffering all around me, I think of a word and put it into a "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" type thought.

Here's a little sample of how I play the game.  I think of any interesting word.  One of my favorite words is derrière, so I'll use it in this example.  It's a funny word to pronounce and it's a fancy way to say tushy!  Ha!  I love it!  After picking out a word I plug in as my starting word.  Derrière is the "trunk" of my "word tree".  The next word is the first similar sounding word I think of.  In this case it makes me think of dairy.  Dairy is the second word.  Dairy makes me think of farm.  Farm turns into the next word.  Then I turn that word into a phrase.  My mind pops up with fat farm which makes me think of a big fat booty.  That leads my thoughts to Sir Mix-a-lot's Classic "Baby Got Back".  Before ya know it a big goofy grin slaps across my face, and I'm humming the tune of "Baby Got Back" to myself.  Even if it only lasts for a moment, the ability to escape seemingly horrific surroundings comes with ease.  Excuse me for sounding dreadfully "corny", but it's a simple way to "turn that frown upside down"!  I'm sure the majority of you reading this must think I'm crazy.  I may very well be, but I prefer to think of it as clever.

Well, I have fittingly titled this post.  All this "thinking" has made me hungry.  Time for a snack.  Anything but Jello!  They always try to force that dreadful substance down your throat at hospitals!  Just thinking about it gives me the heebie-jeebies...yuck!  I'll stick to the soda crackers. ;)

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