Monday, October 31, 2011

Time to stop hiding behind the mask

First off I'd like to say Happy Halloween!!!  I hope everyone has enjoyed dressing up, dressing their kids up, passing out candy, and indulging in some yummy treats as well.  I know I've splurged on too many Halloween goodies this year.  Oh well, that's what the holidays are for.

As I've been watching the parade of costumes today,  and I had a realization.  I realized that for too many years, I have been hiding behind a mask.  I've been afraid to show my "true colors".  I've always been scared of what people might think of the "real" Meg.  Of course, I'm always myself around my family, but with my friends it's been a different story.  I've always tried to "fit in", or mold myself into the person I think people want me to be.  Don't get me wrong, I haven't been "fake" around my friends, but I have a tendency to hid parts of who I am.  I've always been fearful of the criticism I would get if I showed all sides of my personality.

Last night, as I was talking to my husband, I saw that I was knocking down those barriers I've always put up.  Jeff lets me be me.  He accepts "the many faces of Meg".  He embraces them.  I don't think he knows the profound affect that has had on me.  I can fully let my guard down when I'm with Jeff.  He listens to me, and helps me through every twist and turn life throws at me.  He's seen me at my best, and at my absolute worst.  Through it all, he still loves me.

I've always labeled myself, as I've gone through the different phases of life.  I was "the chubby kid", I was "the funny girl", I was "the crazy one", and I was "the sickly one".  I let whatever was going on in my life at that time define who I was.  For the past two and a half years, I have let my cancer define me.  I'm ready to break down that wall.  I will no longer let my cancer dictate who I am, and who I am to become.  I want people to look at me, and talk about me as Meg.  I am no longer going to label myself, or allow others to label me.  I'm Meg...take it, or leave it.

As Halloween comes to an end for another year, remember to take off the mask.  It's so easy to hid behind the image of what we think, or society thinks we should be.  No one is perfect.  We all have many different personality traits, and quirks.  I think it is so important to let them all shine through.  I know that I'm finished putting up walls, and trying to morph myself into the person I think I should be.  I like who I am.  I proud to say that I am Meg.  My mask is off...for good!

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