Hospitals are largely avoided by most people, and understandably so. Unless you work in the healthcare field, or are visiting someone at the hospital, many people steer clear of doctors and medical facilities. I wish I was so lucky. I have see more emergency rooms, doctors offices, and operating rooms than I care to admit. I joke that I should have kept all of my hospital wristbands in a scrapbook. What a pitiful and depressing scrapbook that would be. Ninety-nine percent of hospital visits are pretty miserable, but there are a few moments that completely catch me off guard. Moments that make me laugh. Moments that make me appreciate my health. Moments that keep me fighting. Those are the memories I choose to remember.
The emergency room is a host for so many strange encounters. People say and do crazy things when they are in pain. I saw two giant women( I'm talking 6'4", 350 pound women) threatening to fight nurses, doctors and other patients if they didn't get let back to get examined. I have seen and heard numerous people scream at the top of their lungs because they didn't like what they were being put through. Anything from curse words to religious prayers come spewing from their mouths. I have also seen many people faint, or threaten to faint at the sight of even the smallest amount of blood. I find it hilarious that people, especially the elderly, will make it blatantly obvious when they need to use the restroom. I have never heard "I need to pee" more than at the ER. The absolute craziest thing I have ever heard was at a hospital in Arizona. A young girl gave birth to her child in the ER. She didn't even know she was pregnant! Talk about an intense situation!
The emergency room is not the only place that crazy stuff happens. I have seen some crazy sights while admitted to the hospital. Most patients feel like they are invisible when they are in their rooms. I can't tell you how many people walk around naked past open hospital doors. Yikes! I have seen more oldies flash me full frontal nudity than one should ever see! For ever front I have seen twice as many backs. Talk about a full moon! Yowza! It's interesting how many random people will walk into my patient room. They will sit down next to my bed and start yammering on about whatever is floating around in their head. Most of them are doped up on whatever medications the doctors are pumping through their veins. The conversations interesting, to say the least. It's safe to say that all privacy is gone once you enter a hospital.
These experiences have provided me with many unique hospital visits. I am grateful through all my woes I have been able to maintain a fairly level head. Well, I guess that is for each of you to determine. I might be just at crazy as the people I write about. Ha!
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