We had plans to be with family during Thanksgiving, but my health took a turn for the worse. On top of that our heater at the house decided to quit functioning. It was inevitable, we would not be traveling back to Wisconsin for Thankgiving. We would not be spending quality time with those we love, and rarely see. We would not get to delight in the delicious Thanksgiving meal and all the tasty treats. I barely moved out of bed other than to vomit(gross...sorry), and my husband coordinated everything with the heating company. What a pleasant Thankgiving, eh? I shouldn't complain. There are many people with much less. We all deserve generosity, caring, and help during the holidays.
I didn't think I would be able to spend any holidays with my family this year, but much to my surprise my doctors gave me clearance to travel! I am absolutely elated that I get to spend Christmas with my remarkable family. Being back in the town I grew up in is like living in a fairytale. Reminceing about all the holidays I commorated in this close knit community. I took it for granted for all those years. I can now see the heart, the soul, the whimsy, the compassion, the love, and the honor that each and everyone brings to this town and so many towns like it around the world. It's breathtaking. I am blessed that my "blinders" have been stripped off just in time. My eyes have been broader to notice the stunning elegance and grandeur that the holidays allocate to those whom take the time to observe the meaning behind the glitter and shimmer.
We live in a fast-passed, high-energy, money-hungry, over-worked and exhausted world. I am certainly guilty of it myself. I am not a life coach, a therapist, a counselor, or a social worker. I will never claim to be one. I just "call 'em like I see 'em". Most of us need to take a step back for a while. Relaxation is a GOOD thing. It will make us more productive, and a hell of a lot nicer to be around. The holidays are the perfect time to take a break. Spend time with family and friends. There doesn't even have to be gifts involved. I know figuring out what to buy for people can be extremely taxiing on a person. Just spend time together. I think everyone would be surprised how rewarding that type of holiday can be. Friendship and love is a timeless gift.
Happy Holidays! XOXO