Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Bumps along the road of life

Unfortunately, being submerged in the world of cancer for so many years (8 years as of this month). I have seen many happy outcomes, but I have seen far too many devesating outcomes. Not all of them due to cancer. I volunteer on many different floors of the hospital, so I see many different types of illnesses. It's absolutely horrible to watch the patients suffer, it is heartbreaking to watch the family process all of the information in order to decide what the best option(s) for the patient's future.

Life is filled with an abundance of challenging decisions. Once we do make a decision we often feel guilty because we worry the we chose the wrong option. I know I second, third, four, etc guess my decisions.

Instead of dwelling on my decisions to the point of insanity, I have channeled my guilty and uncertainty into writing poems/journal entries to express my emotions.

Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us everyday...
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still LOVED,
Still missed,
And always remaining in our hearts.

Those we love can never be more than a thought away...
For as long as there's a memory, they live in our hearts to stay.
They are never truly gone as long as we don't allow ourselves to forget them.
A true friend can NEVER be forgotten.

Love one another
Be good to one another
Express your feelings to each other
Respect each othe
And tell each other that you love each other everyday
It is IMPOSSIBLE to hear I LOVE YOU too much!